Start Outlook Express, and on the Tools menu, click Accounts. Click Add, and then click Mail to open the Internet Connection Wizard.

Mail option from the Add button On the Your Name page of the wizard, type your name as you want it to appear to everyone who gets e-mail from you, and then click Next. Most people use their full name, but you can use any name—even a nickname—that people will recognize. On the Internet Explorer Address page, type your e-mail address, and then click Next. On the E-mail Server Names page, type in mail.phenxt.com for the incoming server and mail.phenxt.com for the outgoing server and then click Next.

On the Internet Mail Logon page, type your account name and password.

On the Internet Mail Logon page, type your account name and password.

Note: If you're concerned about break-ins to your e-mail, click to clear the check in the Remember Password box. You'll then be prompted for the password each time you send or retrieve mail. Click Next, and then click Finish. You're ready to send your first e-mail!